Plan Your Dreams

Greenbau will help you build the house of your dreams.

Design + Build

Greenbau will support all phases of the green building process.

  • Testing & Estimates

    We use independent third party building testers, to ensure the reliability of the data. These testers are certified, and use the latest non-destructive equipment.

  • Design

    During the design process, we are looking at the whole building and site in terms of energy use, water use, indoor air quality, site impact, and materials.

  • Construction

    By having the contractor involved in the design process, there are no surprises or learning curve when it comes time for construction.

  • Certification

    There a number of different organizations that provide rating systems and independent third party certification of green buildings. Find out more...

GreenBau is your Full Service Green Construction & Renovation Partner.

We provide an all-inclusive service including testing, design, and construction. Making your home a greener place is a commitment to yourself, your family, your community and the world.
  • Insulated Concrete Forms
  • Whole House Ventilation
  • Geothermal
  • Solar Thermal
  • Advanced Framing Practices
  • Green Certifications
  • Passive Homes
  • Structural Insulated Panel Systems
  • High Performance Windows
  • Sustainable Landscaping
  • Rainwater Catchment
  • Sustainability Testing
  • Green Home Design
  • Green Design + Build
Cincinnati Green Building

What is a Passive Home?

A Passive Home uses less energy, water and natural resources, creates less waste and is healthier for the people living inside compared to a standard home. It’s as simple as that! There are many very real benefits to living in a green home, and every day, more and more Americans are discovering those benefits. Let us make your home healthier, more durable and more cost-effective.

Learn About The Green Expects.

Sustainable Renovations.

It’s getting easier to go green when you build a new home. But for existing homeowners, whether your house is 5 years or 105 years old, it can be a little trickier. The key is developing a plan that is unique to your home, priorities, and budget. Our experienced team of architects and contractors will work with you to incorporate the latest technology and practices in a creative way.

Learn About the Benefits.